Milo's Tea

Thank you, Milo's Tea Company, Inc., for allowing us to support your company's growth and success with our printer applicator labelers for your cases, trays, and pallets.

Along with Fogg Filler and Statco-DSI Process Systems, we're proud that our ProMach product brands are a critical part of your operations.

Our company is really what it says on the tin: we have the best tasting tea and we are expanding year on year. It started out as a small, family-owned company and is growing into what I call a major tea empire. With our growth doubling every year, we need partners and relationships that can handle our everyday needs as we continue to grow. It's really important to make sure we're keeping track of all of our inventory, and that's why we decided to use all the case labels and pallet labels from ID Technology.

ID Technology has been a game changer for us. Within the labels, we have a lot of information. We need to include product dates, work orders, and everything associated with that tea at that moment on the label. This information is very useful not only for us but also for our customers. Not only does ID Technology provide excellent equipment, but they also supply the labels, making them a one-stop shop. It goes hand in hand; if we're having issues with the labels or the equipment, their technicians can come out and look at both.

Working with ID Technology has given us the opportunity to expand. Customers often want specific information on their labels, and we have a customer that requires two labels on each side of the case. As we continue to grow, we can show other customers and new clients what we have to offer. We can provide all this information on our labels. I would highly recommend ID Technology for case labels and pallet labels. It is a game changer for us and for our customers as well.