SPARK - CO2 Laser Coder

Small Character Laser Coding Applications for Packaged Goods and Industrial Products

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The Macsa Spark 10W CO2 laser has been specifically designed for small character coding applications in packaged goods and other industrial products. Featuring high-speed digital galvos and a larger focal range, the Spark laser can mark larger areas faster and more efficiently, providing users with an affordable laser alternative to inkjet without sacrificing performance.

The Spark laser is not only compact and easy to install, but it also requires minimal maintenance. It's a self-contained, cost-effective permanent marking solution that doesn't require additional power sources or auxiliary remote controllers, making it a hassle-free and economical choice.

Simply plug-in and play, making it a fast and sustainable solution for marking on a variety of packaging substrates, such as chipboard, paper, wood, plastics, films, foils, glass, aluminum, and other coated and non-coated metals.

Solutions for:

Senior Leadership

Your Challenges:

  • Poor quality (and removable) date coding risks damaging your brand.
  • Your business is serious about the environment and sustainability and wants to eliminate harmful VOC chemicals from your operations.
  • Unplanned downtime caused by legacy print technology reduces margins.

Our Solutions:

  • Spark lasers produce high-quality, repeatable prints that can usually not be erased from your products.
  • Laser coders don't use inks or harmful chemicals. As well as helping with your green credentials, no longer having to purchase and manage consumables reduces costs.
  • Modern laser coders are virtually maintenance-free. Your maintenance techs can concentrate of solving other problems.

Operations Management

Your Challenges:

  • Downtime and mess caused by legacy product coding technology.
  • Being assured of high-quality codes on your products, help with regulatory compliance and keeps customers happy.
  • Constant cleaning on lines with continuous inkjet printers.
  • Cost of maintenance and parts for older printers.

Our Solutions:

  • A modern laser coder like the Spark, needs very little maintenance support - usually just occasional filter change and lens cleaning.
  • The codes that a laser coder produces are of consistently high quality and are a permanent part of the package. Perfect for compliance and for being easy to read.
  • With no inks, there is zero mess created by Spark lasers.
  • With very low maintenance requirements, an Spark laser can help with keeping your need for parts as low as possible.

Operators & Technicians

Your Challenges:

  • Lasers can be complicated to set up and operate.
  • Cleaning date coders take up too much of the day.
  • It can be difficult to create a new print message if one is needed.
  • Sometimes it seems to be so hard to get good training.

Our Solutions:

  • The Spark laser was specially designed to be a simple replacement for inkjet coders. For the operators, the touch-screen HMI shows just the basic functions needed to select messages, send to the laser, and start production.
  • Cleaning consists of simply cleaning dirt or dust from the lens occasionally. No ink spills or mess to worry about.
  • With the Spark (and the other Macsa lasers), the HMI comes with templates that can help design your print messages and get into production quickly.

Brochures & Documentation

At ID Technology, we truly understand the increased demands on manufacturers. If you are looking for an affordable laser alternative to inkjet, look no further than the Spark, which can increase your bottom line.

Contact an ID Technology Account Manager

Ready to improve your production output and operational efficiency? Contact an ID Technology account manager today to learn how our labeling and coding automation solutions will increase your throughput and improve your bottom line.